Festival d'Art
à l'Isle sur la Sorgue
Thomas RYSE
It was in 2000 in the old school of a village in Côtes-d'Armor, a few miles from Paimpol and Bréhat that Toma Ryse set up his large workshop.
Born in Toulouse, this adopted Parisian never stopped rediscovering the atmosphere of his adolescence, when he attended the region's sailing schools. A dreamy student , he knew from childhood that art would occupy his life. From his twelfth year he began to paint, draw and model shapes in clay.
His activity as a visual artist is carried out in France or abroad in several fields: painting, sculpture - installations - the design of unique pieces for the Henriot earthenware factories in Quimper - the development of a collection for the earthenware factories of Longwy — the creation of “Cartons” for carpets and tapestry from a Belgian publisher.
All of his very chromatic works integrate the freest, most instinctual forms with very controlled and thought-out forms borrowed from geometric vocabulary as if to convince us that the reconciliation between the sensitive and the rational. is possible.
For him, color is not simply a medium; it is a state of mind, a manifestation of the spirit. The theme of the original soul, of the Tao, is recurring in the career of this artist, who in Brittany or in China never ceases to question the spiritual resurgences present in each moment.