Students from Benoit L'Isle sur la Sorgue Highschool
All students at Lycée Benoît receive artistic instruction: some as an optional subject, while others specialize in order to build a project related to the cultural field.
Specialists have more freedom in their choice of projects, as they may be aiming for various fields and therefore adapt their practice accordingly: cinema, animation, architecture, photography, design, scenography, cultural mediation, heritage conservation, communication and event management, web design, etc. Consequently, the productions are diverse (and not all of them are suitable for display in this exhibition space).
Various proposals are made depending on the level, with the central theme being "NATURE AT WORK".
An artist questions the world around them and can raise awareness among viewers.
The ecological awareness of today's teenagers seems more enlightened and sharpened than before, thanks to increasing and necessary media coverage of the issue. Inspired by this exceptional garden in the heart of Isle Sur Sorgue, located just across from the high school, and involved in the social and solidarity project commissioned for this third space by the hospital management, and “constrained” to meet the pedagogical requirements of their artistic education (this year's program focuses on "Nature at Work" in preparation for the baccalaureate):
The creations are therefore rich and varied!
Photomontages (film posters repurposed for "Saving Nature") and sculptures (GMO plants) for the second-year optional students.
Free media (photos, sculptures, paintings, installations, etc.) for first-year specialty students to explore exhibition modalities and digital photomontages to “qualify” their relationship with nature.
Architectural models for the architecture options to design Climate Survival Units: architects need to project themselves into their design.
Hybrid insects modeled in clay, mutated by global warming, for first-year and senior options.
Ideal, intergenerational, solidarity, and ecologically committed project by the senior specialty students to respond to a public commission (linked with the artists of the program for their baccalaureate preparation).
Regular visits to artistic venues have enriched their work: Campredon Art Center, Villa Datris, Château La Coste (sculptures and architecture), Rentrée en Images (photos) in Arles, Grenier à Sel in Avignon (digital art), Friche Belle de Mai in Marseille...
The Arts Day at Lycée Benoît would be incomplete without a showcase of all the arts and their actors: theatrical performances by the theater option under the direction of Patricia Meyer (assisted throughout the year by director Claude Attia and punctuated by regular visits to La Scène Nationale de la Garance in Cavaillon), choreographies by Claire Meyer’s dance association, spontaneous musical performances by students, and parents and grandparents who help the children technically realize their projects.
Finally, some of the most resilient creations will remain on display throughout the summer to enhance this “garden of life” commissioned by the hospital, where residents and staff will open their doors to a “solidarity café” (potentially run by our volunteer students).
The Partage des Arts festival, which begins for two months in Isle Sur Sorgue, incorporates the students' creations into its program (a trail of several monumental sculptures installed throughout the city by established artists), thus allowing our students to present their work to a broad audience.
Ms. Barbieri
Art Teacher at Lycée Benoît