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Saturday 9 September

Art Tour in the gardens and studios of the artist residence La Carichone 627 Route de la Roque sur Pernes – 84800 L’Isle sur la Sorgue


Sculptures, paintings, photographs, and ceramics by over 35 well-known and emerging artists.

A day of discovery and sharing between artists and the public, featuring conferences, readings, musical interludes, and live artistic performances.

The artists will be present to showcase their works and discuss their creative processes.

10 a.m. Doors open
Discovery of the 80 works exhibited in the gardens and workshops

11:00 AM – Screening of the film La Mémoire du feu

on some aspects of the poetry of René Char, followed by a discussion with André Ughetto

Refreshments and eco-friendly snacks available all day: "Amélie, the eco-responsible grocery – Isle sur la Sorgue"

and a Beer Bar

Picnic lunch possible amidst the olive trees

2:00 PM – "Art or the Creation of Worlds"

Conference by Florian Métral

3:30 PM – "The Starry Nights of Vincent Van Gogh"

Conference by Jean-Pierre Luminet

5:00 PM – "Dictionnaire amoureux des Musées"

With the participation of the author Anne-Laure Béatrix, interviewed by

Maria Ferragu (bookstore Le Passeur de L’Isle)

In partnership with the Festival Lire sur la Sorgue

6:30 PM – "Albert Camus - René Char in Common Ground"

Conference by Franck Planeille

Live artistic performances throughout the day: – Sibille FRIEDEL will introduce the art of calligraphy. – Julie GONCE will heat and shape glass into objects and jewelry. – Jim REVOL will play piano all day, performing music based on your requests and favorite tunes.


La Carichone 

627 route de la Roque sur Pernes – 84800 L’Isle sur la Sorgue

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