Festival d'Art
à l'Isle sur la Sorgue
Filmmaker, Writer, Essayist
Born in 1942 in Isle-sur-la-Sorgue. Meeting René Char in 1961, and from 1970 Philippe Jaccottet.
A time as a filmmaker: film shot in Morocco (“The Master of the Harvests”), on the poetry of Char (“The Memory of Fire”), on the imagination of the alchemists (“Mutus Liber, paintings for Nicolas Flamel”) “Revuiste » since 1980: SUD, Autre Sud, Phoenix, Revue des Archers, in Marseille; correspondent for the multilingual magazine Osiris (Massachusetts, USA)
Latest works in poetry: Edifices of the clouds (ed. Ubik, Marseille, 2015); Anthology, choice made in its collections, at Nouvel Athanor, Paris, 2020. Ineluctable Attractions (April 2022) ed. Uniqueness, Decline of Light, artist's book with Monique Flosi, 2023, ed. The Tea Leaf.
On the other hand essayist: The Sonnet, a European form of poetry (ed. Ellipses); Fernandel, laughter to tears (Hoebecke). Translator of poetry (English-Italian.) Once a filmmaker, now a playwright: Petrarch, Crier of Peace (ed. Wallada, 2020); Three pieces of History of Provence (ed. tituli, 2021), Children of Cronos (to be published).
Lives between Carro (commune of Martigues, near Marseille) and Isle-sur-la-Sorgue.